Filling Out the FAFSA: a Step-by-Step Guide

Getting financial aid for your college is a great way to get higher education when your family has no funds to pay for it. However, checking the information in various documents, completing the form, and sending it for procession before the deadline requires time.  This article will save you several hours of research and help … Read more

Credits and Credit Hours: What’s the Difference?

Credits, credit hours, contact hours, courses –– have you already got lost in these academic terms? Well, no worries –– let’s look into this together! (spoiler: credits and credit hours mean the same). Defining the Terms  Credit = Credit Hour = Semester Credit Hour = College Credit is a unit that measures a student’s academic … Read more

Coalition application prompts

The Coalition Essay is one of the essential parts of the Coalition Application. All member organizations always require it, but sometimes some of them can require an additional essay and essay of the Coalition Application. If you’re reading our post, it means that you have to write the essay on a Coalition Application and do … Read more

What is the college acceptance rate?

Before submitting applications to educational establishments, we research everything about them. This information includes many things. One of the most essential is the rate of students’ acceptance – the percentage of those candidates who enter the institution. Generally expressed in percentage, this figure is counted according to the admitted majors’ number compared to the number … Read more

How is a student loan different from a scholarship

Once any student faces this question – how do the students’ fellowships and loans differ? So, loans are like financial support the students have to return after some time with a low interest rate. Fellowships signify the money prize, which makes all money-related things more available. The fellowships are measured straight from the cost of … Read more

Regional vs National Accreditation

Accreditation plays a significant role in the education sphere since it’s the important quality estimation of any educational establishment. It emphasizes two key aspects – assurance of quality and improvement of quality. Accreditation means a validation process where the special commission measures all high educational establishments. This commission consisted of professors from different accredited establishments … Read more

Can you get a scholarship for cheerleading?

Once cheerleaders can wonder if they can earn grants for cheerleading? For such students, we have big news – they can have a scholarship. In the United States, high educational establishments offer fellowships for cheerleading, for example, Central Arkansas University, Hawaii University, etc. The amount of this grant varies – from $2500 to $8000 for … Read more

Types of Masters Degrees

After the bachelor’s, the top degree you can get in the university and college is a master’s. Thanks to it, you can know all the necessary technical moments of your future job.  Everyone can get the degree of masters after earning a bachelor’s to obtain all the necessary knowledge and investigate the coming level. As … Read more

Weighted vs Unweighted GPA

Among many aspects upon college admission, Grade Point Average is regarded as one of the key aspects. Now, you can wonder what Grade Point Average (or GPA) means. It is a figure that shows your academic success on average. Generally, it is divided into two types – weighted and unweighted.  How do these two groups … Read more

Can You Get into College with a GED

The students often have one fear – they fear that their applications to the college or university will not be considered if they have the General Educational Development. We have good news for these students – times have changed for the better! If the applicants do not have the diploma of high school and come … Read more