Jobs for people with social anxiety 

Impulsive people or people with anxiety attacks often ask questions if there is work that will not aggravate their condition. Briefly, this question can be answered: there really is such work. There are many jobs for people with anxiety disorders in today's labor market.

However, finding work with low anxiety levels can be challenging if you are unsure of where to look. If you just have general anxiety occasionally, you will, of course, want to get a low-stress job. And if you suffer from a social anxiety disorder, you will have to look for work not just with low-stress levels but for people with limited social needs.

We are aware that even the process itself can provoke a state of anxiety in such a situation. But with these simple tips, it will be much easier for you to find the right job.

Here are some things to consider when looking for a job that won't panic and worry you:

  1. Look for so-called flexible jobs. It concerns the organization of the workspace and the timing of the work. The irregularity of the workday will allow you to better accommodate this pattern.
  2. Don't discard job options just because you can't do this work at home. An important step in finding the right work is to get the authority for this process.
  3. Lack of higher education is not a reason to give up work that does not cause you stress. It is worth considering looking at technical and community colleges for certification programs right for you.
  4. Consider work-from-home options. Many people with social anxiety disorders have found great comfort by working from their own homes, as they can better control the situation.
  5. If you are not entirely sure what type of work is right for you, it's good to talk with your doctor or psychologist about your options. You can also talk with other people who have similar symptoms to learn from their experiences.

What to consider when you are looking for a low-stress job?

Your best bet is to look for a job that can be flexible to best suit your needs. The term "flexibility" is very diverse, and its meaning for different people is also different. Think about what makes you worry about getting a new job? Maybe it's talking to clients, keeping up with a to-do list, or managing your finances.

The most important thing is to determine the cause of your anxiety, and only then think about work, where there will be no reason for stressful situations. For example, if you find it challenging to get to work, you might be better off working from home or looking for a remote, part-time job.

If you are confused by the number of responsibilities you will have to perform, then perhaps a job in retail trade with few responsibilities may be suitable for you. If you are worried about managing a team, then it is better to choose the position of a postal worker or a delivery service driver.

In any case, you need to look for a job that will not limit your personal space during the working day. A work-life balance is also essential so that you can take a vacation and have a good rest.

Whether you're looking to pursue a college degree or just graduated and are looking for an entry-level job, there are many jobs in the job market that are suitable for people with anxiety.

Here are a few options that are ideal for people with anxiety or social anxiety disorder:

1. Freelance writer, blogger, and text editor. If you are good at writing, feel free to try freelancing. You will be able to work from home, set opening times and your own rates. These jobs will allow you to build your customer service skills but are limited by the number of jobs you can take.

2. Creative areas such as social media manager. If you're interested in social media and creating creative online platforms, look for jobs for social media or an engagement administrator. It will allow you to connect with people, but you will be creatively working on your own most of the time.

3. Accountant and bookkeeper. These professions have a lot in common. But both will allow you to gain relative freedom from underlying concerns. But beware: the job of an accountant and bookkeeper can be very demanding. To get started, try to find a position in a small company or one where you do not need to manage a large number of accounts yourself.

4. Programmer and IT specialist. This job is excellent for those with anxiety syndrome. It can be done perfectly at home. In addition, a degree is not required to get this job. It is enough to pass exams in programming languages ​​and prove your skills in the process of applying for a vacancy.

5. Librarian. If you are very fond of books and want to help increase your erudition, this job is for you. Librarians work with people, but the stress level is minimal.

If you have not graduated but have a high school diploma, there are several vacancies you could apply for:

1. Working with pets. If you love animals, there are jobs that you might like. For example, trainer, groomer, kennel worker, and dog walker.

2. Landscaping. If you enjoy working outside, landscaping can be the perfect activity for you. You will most likely need to work as a team, but you will be on your own most of the time.

3. Firefighter or forester. If government service is exemplary for you, but you suffer from social anxiety, a firefighter or forester position may be an acceptable option.

4. School bus driver. If you love kids and enjoy driving but don't want to be with them full time, a school bus driver is a perfect job for you.

5. Taxi driver. Working as a hired driver is a great way to communicate with different people and work in your spare time.

6. Bookstore assistant. If you love books but can't work as a librarian due to a lack of an advanced degree, a job as an assistant in a library or bookstore is exactly what you need.

7. Graphic Designer. If you know how to be creative in your work, you just need to look for graphic designer jobs.

8. Court / Medical Proofreader / Transcriptionist. This job involves working from home and is very flexible.

9. Stocking jobs. If you don't mind carrying heavy objects, try this job. Most supermarkets need third shift workers to restock.

10. Cosmetologist. Haircuts, manicures, and makeup can be complex for someone with social anxiety. And the work of a beautician can be a great option; here, interaction with people is minimal.

11. Cook / Chef. If you love cooking and enjoy preparing new dishes, try to find a job as an assistant or cook in a restaurant. You get to meet new people and get paid for it.

12. Customer service jobs. Many companies need customer service assistants, so look for jobs in the field of customer service on their website of local companies.

13. Handyman / Cleaning jobs. There are many possibilities here, so choose what you like most: cleaning floors or doing simple repairs around the house or office building.

14. Lifeguard / Swimming instructor / Swim coach at a pool or YMCA. This is an outdoor job that pays well and is very flexible in terms of scheduling shifts – usually, no less than 4 hours per shift are necessary but there are options for longer days when needed by the business which is excellent if you want to work part-time while attending school or need some additional dough.

15. Welder / Fabricator. If you like building things and solving problems, this job may be what you always wanted: welding and fabricating is a great chance for introverts to employ their problem-solving skills.

16. Caregiver / CNA (Caregiver). This is a typical employee position that involves helping people in need of medical care with daily activities such as dressing, feeding, toileting, etc.. It's physically demanding work but the hours tend to be very flexible so it can also allow time for child care, school/college classes, and part-time employment since the typical shift is 8 hours per day which isn't particularly young person friendly unless you also happen to be a night owl like me and enjoy the graveyard shift.

17. Animal Caretaker. If you want to work with animals but don't want the pressure of running your own business this might be an option for you – it's quiet, typically pay is modest (but still usually enough to make ends meet) and allows for plenty of downtime which can help if anxiety makes it difficult for you to sit still or concentrate on things requiring large blocks of time such as school/college courses; working towards a degree in the non-profit sector would also be a great way to gain experience and contacts that could lead to better jobs down the road as well as provide valuable references and positive recognition by those who the companies you volunteer at so your resume would be impressive and stand out from that of people who lack similar experience.

18. Barista / Bartender. Coffee shops and bars are popular places with introverts as they can provide a quiet place to work as well as plenty of free time if you need it which is often the case for those suffering from an anxiety disorder; both jobs also pay decently without requiring prior experience so they're easy options to consider if those previous jobs mentioned sound up your alley but you don't have the necessary skills or degree required.

19. Grocery Store Clerk. Though doing things like cashiering or bagging groceries won't allow you to indulge your love of reading, it's a good option for someone with social anxiety because working in a grocery store is a fairly quiet job that generally involves minimal human interaction.

20. Sales Associate. Working in a mall may not sound appealing but this is also a low-key occupation that requires you to be friendly with customers while avoiding any intense personal interactions or problems arising from things like stress or having to come up with the witty conversation on the spot; it's an easy job for someone who is introverted and doesn't mind working retail – hours can be long and the pay isn't the greatest, but it is usually enough to get by if that is all that matters to you at this point in your life.

21. Customer Service Representative (CSR). This is another customer service option for people with social anxiety: instead of being required to interact with customers as a sales associate would be, being a customer service representative usually involves minimal contact and the ability to do this job from home makes it even better for those who have trouble with anxiety or panic attacks.


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