How to write a letter of support?

A letter of support aims to provide encouragement or backing for a person or cause. When applying for a job, being accepted to a university, or requesting funding to help pursue a cause, letters of support are critical factors to consider. You may be asked for letters of support if you have significant expertise and connections throughout your professional life.

What does a letter of support represent?

An endorsement is a letter from someone who can vouch for the success of a charity and promises to deliver. Letters of support are generally included with a proposal or application for grant money. These testimonials demonstrate that other people, organizations, and governments think the organization can perform the task successfully. Letters of support are usually similar to job references that can be requested when applying for a position. The letter will generally show the individual's trustworthiness, qualifications, abilities, and reasoning for believing this person is the finest fit for their goal.

Who needs to write a letter of support?

There are a few different people who may be asked to write letters of support. The most common case is when someone needs a letter to back them up in order to get a job or into school. Other cases where you might be asked to provide a letter of support include:

  1. Applying for a grant or scholarship
  2. Joining an organization or board
  3. Being nominated for an award
  4. Starting your own business

Who can a letter of support be addressed to? The recipient of such a letter may be someone you know well or someone you have never met. The best letters of support come from people who can attest to the individual's character, skills, and abilities.

What should be included in a letter of support?

There are a few key things that should be included in any letter of support:

  • An introduction that identifies who you are and states your relationship to the person or cause
  • A description of the person's qualifications and why they would be a good fit for the job or opportunity
  • Examples of when this person has gone above and beyond what is expected
  • Your endorsement and recommendation

Make sure to tailor the letter to fit the specific purpose it is serving. If you are addressing it to a job committee, for example, you may want to focus on the individual's skills and experience more than their personal qualities.

How long should a support letter be?

A to-the-point letter will be about one page, on average. Although there is no set method for how a letter should unfold, it's preferable to start with the purpose of the letter and then go through the necessary information such as background, relevance, impact, and backup.

What should be the tone of a letter of support?

The tone of a letter of support should be positive and supportive. You want to make it clear that you believe in the person and their ability to succeed. Try to avoid making any negative comments about other people or organizations involved in the process.

How do I sign a letter of support?

Signing off on a letter of support is an important part of showing your endorsement. You can use phrases such as "Sincerely," "Best Wishes," or "Yours Truly." Signing your name at the bottom of the page is also customary.

How do you start a letter of support?

Start the letter of support with a heading on the top-left corner. The writer's name, institution, and date of composition are all good places to start. Include the receiver's name and contact information next. If you wish, you may include the date here as well.

Similar to a job reference, a letter of support will start with such phrases as "It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of support for (name)." This sentence will introduce the person who is being endorsed. After this, list the reasons why this person deserves the endorsement. Finish up by thanking the reader and providing contact information once again.

What should be inside the letter body?

Usually, a letter of support is three or four paragraphs long. The body of the letter should include specific examples of why the funds or any other support should be provided to this person. Try to connect the dots for the reader and make it easy for them to imagine how this person can be a valuable asset. Because letters of support are often used as evidence, citing facts, figures, and examples is crucial.

End the letter on a positive note and re-iterate your endorsement. If you have additional contact information for the reader, feel free to include that here as well. Thank them for their time and consideration.

Sample letter of support:

John Doe

XYZ Corporation

March 1, 2017

To Whom it May Concern,

I am very pleased to provide a letter of support for Jane Doe, who is seeking your organization's help.

Jane has always been an excellent employee, and I can attest to her skills as a hard worker and detail-oriented individual. In my time working with her, she never failed to meet deadlines or exceed expectations. She is also an excellent team player. I believe that Jane would be an excellent candidate for your organization, and I urge you to consider her for the help she needs.

Thank you for your time, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

John Doe

XYZ Corporation

However, usually, letters of support are written for finding funds. For example, a businessman found an organization that offers a grant for the project that he wants to complete, but the businessman is not good at writing a persuasive appeal letter. In this case, a friend or colleague of the businessman who is good at writing may write a letter of support on behalf of the businessman. In this case, the letter of support will look like the following:

John Doe

XYZ Corporation

March 1, 2017

To the Board of Directors of the ABC Foundation,

Dear Board of Directors,

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter on behalf of John Doe, who is seeking your organization's help.

John is an excellent businessman who has a great project that he wishes to complete, but unfortunately, he is not good at writing persuasive letters. I am confident that if given the opportunity, John will be able to complete his project successfully and within the time frame allotted.

I thank you for your time and consideration, and I am available for any questions you may have.


John Doe's friend or colleague

How do I write a letter of support for a nonprofit?

If you are looking for something not material and there is no need for investments, but you need something like a letter of recommendation or letter of support from an individual, you can try writing letters to people who have done something good for their community.

Dear (name),

I am writing this letter to commend you on the excellent work you have done in your community. I was really impressed by the dedication and commitment that you have put into making your community a better place. It is clear that you really care about your community, and I think that it is important that more people like you exist in the world.

If there is anything I can do to help support the great work that you are doing, please do not hesitate to let me know. I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Thank you for all that you have done, and I hope that you will continue to make a difference in your community.


Your name

Other hints on how to write a letter of support

There are also some additional tips for you on how to write a letter of support:

Don`t insist on fundraising. It will only make the person feel more obliged and may even backfire. You need to write in such a way that the person feels comfortable saying no if they don`t want to do it. Try to use such phrases as "If there's anything I can do to help" or "I hope you know that I'm here for you."

Be personal and talk about your experiences with the individual or what you know about their work. It will help you to come across as genuine and caring. Keep it short (1-2 pages max). People usually can accept help more easily if it's not overwhelming. Moreover, it will show you as a concise and focused individual.

Try to be persuasive. To get what you want, you may need to make a strong case. State the facts and make a clear argument. For example, you can write about how the person has helped you in the past or how their work has positively impacted your life. End with a positive note and express your willingness to help in any way possible. Thank the person for their time and generosity.

Proofread the letter before sending it. Make sure that the letter is well-written, concise, and easy to read. Use good grammar and spelling, and make sure that your paragraphs are short and to the point. It will show that you care about the individual and their time.

According to all those additional recommendations, your letter of support will look like this:

Dear ____,

I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and I'm sorry to hear of the recent difficulties you have been experiencing. I hope that you know that you have my support during this difficult time.

I have known ____ for a long time and I can say without a doubt that they are an amazing individual who has helped me in the past and positively impacted my life. Their work is invaluable and I can't imagine losing them.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you raise money or if you need me to talk to any potential donors on your behalf. I am more than happy to help in any way possible.

Thank you for your time and generosity. I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Final words

A letter of support is a great way to show your appreciation for someone who has done something good for their community. It is also a way to help the individual in need by providing them with resources and support. When writing a letter of support, be sure to personalize it, be persuasive, and be professional. Thank the person for their time and generosity.

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