How to Explain Medical Leave on Resume

Your resume is, for sure, something that will be looked at when you apply for a job. After all, it is one of the first things that potential employers will see when they look into your candidacy. So, if you have been out on medical leave for an extended period of time, you might be wondering how to explain this gap in employment on your resume.

Why Do Employers Ask About Gaps In Resumes?

This question may sound irritating for those applicants who have been on medical leave, but it is a fair question from an employer’s perspective. They want to know the reasons behind why you have not been working for a certain period of time. After all, it will give them an insight into your work ethic and discipline.

Is it actually normal to leave a gap in your resume? The answer to this question is both yes and no. It all depends on the reasons behind your leave. If you have taken a gap year to travel or pursue other interests, then it is perfectly normal to leave a gap in your resume. However, if you have been out on medical leave, then it is not uncommon for employers to ask about the reasons behind your absence.

According to government data, each employee is entitled to 15 days of hospitalization leave per year on average. The sickness absence rate rose 6.6 percent in the third quarter of last year. In fact, it means that 1 in 7.6 workers was absent due to illness in that period of time.

How to Explain Medical Leave on Resume?

If you have been out on medical leave for an extended period of time, then you might be wondering how to explain this gap in employment on your resume. You can either choose to omit this information from your resume altogether or you can be honest and explain the reasons behind your leave.

If you decide to omit this information from your resume, then you should be prepared to answer questions about your gap in employment during job interviews. However, if you decide to be honest and explain the reasons behind your leave, then you can put your potential employer’s mind at ease and show that you are willing to be open and transparent about your situation.

No matter which option you choose, it is important to remember that being out on medical leave is nothing to be ashamed of. Millions of people go through similar situations each year and there is no reason why you shouldn’t pursue your dream job even if you have been out on medical leave.

Here is an example of how you can mention your medical leave on your resume:

XYZ Corporation. Jan 2019 – Present. Sales Associate (on leave).

I have been on medical leave for the past 6 months but I am scheduled to return to work on X date. In the meantime, I have been keeping myself busy by XYZ.”

This is just one example of how you can mention your medical leave on your resume. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether or not you want to mention your leave on your resume. If you do choose to mention it, then be sure to be honest and upfront about the reasons behind your leave.

Should you explain your illness and show your medical leave?

While it’s always up to each person’s discretion, we suggest that you include any medical leave of absence on your resume since this may be something simple for a recruiter to spot. Furthermore, it may provide you with some strokes of resilience in your personality, which could be quite important.

For example, those women who had maternity leave are often able to use that as an example of their responsibility and ability to multitask. So, if you feel that your medical leave would be perceived in a positive light, then you should definitely include it!

Assuming that you have recovered from your illness and are now looking for a new job, there are a few ways to explain your medical leave on your resume. First, you could simply add a line under the relevant experience section stating something like, “Took six months off for medical reasons.” Alternatively, you could choose to be more forthcoming about your situation and explain what happened in a short sentence or two. For example, “I was diagnosed with cancer in 20XX and took six months off to undergo treatment.”

Being honest on your resume and in person during the job interview is always the best policy, so don’t worry if you have to tell a white lie or two. However, if you feel like your medical leave will reflect negatively on your application, then you can always choose to omit this information from your resume altogether.

How Much Gap Is OK for Your Medical Leave?

You may be absent for 6 months or for even 5 years! And when you’re ready to come back, it’s totally fine to include this on your resume. If you want, you can even add a brief sentence or two about what happened during your leave (e.g., “I was diagnosed with cancer and underwent treatment for six months”).

If your medical leave was for 5 years or even more, employers may have a question or two about what you were doing during that time. In this case, it’s a good idea to be prepared with a brief explanation of your activities during that time. For example:

“I was taking care of my young children at home.”

“I was caring for an elderly family member.”

“I was dealing with my own health issues.”

“I was taking time off to relocate and find a job in a new state/city.”

“I was pursuing further education or going back to school.”

“I was pursuing professional training.”

No matter what your situation was, there’s no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about it. Medical leave is a perfectly valid reason for taking some time off from work, and there’s no need to hide it on your resume.

Can I get a job after 2 years gap?

Yes, you may find employment after a two-year absence. The only requirement is that you improve your skills by reading updates and creating projects or reports, which will allow you to demonstrate your worth to your recruiter. Besides, during your job search, you’ll be able to leverage your professional network to find a new opportunity.

In short, if you have been on medical leave for an extended period of time, there is no need to feel discouraged about your job prospects. As long as you are willing to put in the effort to update your skills and stay active in your professional network, you will be able to find employment.

Other Tips On How to Design Your Resume

When it comes to designing your resume, there are a few general tips that you should keep in mind. Here we will show you some additional tips on how you can write a resume after a medical leave.

First, make sure to keep your resume up-to-date. Regardless of whether you have been on medical leave or not, it is important to ensure that your resume reflects your current skills and experiences. If you haven’t updated your resume in a while, now is the perfect time to do so.

Second, focus on the positive. When writing your resume, be sure to highlight your accomplishments and positive attributes. This will help offset any concerns that an employer may have about your extended absence from the workforce.

Third, be prepared to explain your situation. As we mentioned before, employers may have questions about your extended period of time off work. Be prepared to answer these questions in a positive and professional manner.

Also, pay attention to the format of your resume. Make sure that it is clear and easy to read. Employers will not want to spend a lot of time trying to decipher a messy or disorganized resume.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread! This is an important step that should never be overlooked. Be sure to carefully review your resume for any spelling or grammatical errors.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your resume will make a positive impression on potential employers, despite your extended period of medical leave.


Medical leave can be a difficult time for anyone. However, it is important to remember that this is only a temporary setback. With some effort and planning, you can overcome this challenge and get back on track with your career.

By following the tips in this article, you can learn how to explain medical leave on your resume. You will also find out what employers are looking for when reviewing resumes after an extended absence.

So, don’t let medical leave stop you from pursuing your dream job. With a little effort, you can get your career back on track in no time!

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