Second Shift: What Are My Working Hours?

Don't get the second shift wrong –- this has nothing to do with your overtime hours. Shifts refer to businesses with non-stop operations like healthcare, grocery, security, hospitality, and many others. Such companies and organizations have to secure 24/7 coverage and require employees to work in shifts. Probably, you will be given an option to … Read more

A Letter of Transmittal – What This Is

Are you sharing some corporate documentation like technical or financial reports, especially with someone outside your organization? Think of enclosing a letter of transmittal. This way, you will ensure that the sensitive data is treated accordingly, and the person is not confused with the volume of the document he or she receives. Imagine that you … Read more

How to Say You’ve Trained New Employees on Resume

Employers value your experience in training colleagues. So, mentioning this on your resume will be your competitive advantage. But how do you better highlight your coaching skills in the CV so HR managers notice them? You can mention your employee training experience in these four sections of your resume: Let’s check the motivation behind stating … Read more

How to Put Sorority or Fraternity on Resume

Each time you update your resume, you have to decide which experiences and accomplishments to include, and how to present them in the best light. For sorority or fraternity members, this can be a tricky task. Do you put your membership on your resume? If so, where? And what should you say about it? What … Read more

How to List Teaching Certification on Resume

If you’re a certified teacher, you likely want to list your teaching certification on your resume. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when including this information. Here are some tips for listing your teaching certification on your resume. Does Teaching Certification Matter? Teachers are extremely important to society, so it’s no … Read more

Adding Scholarship on Resume

The scholarship is what you usually put on your resume when you’re trying to impress people with your academic achievements. But what if you’re not trying to impress anyone, and you just want to put it on there for the sake of being honest? Is that still a good idea? Can I Put a Scholarship … Read more

Resume Edge Review

Finding a service that will help you with your resume can be tough. There are a lot of services out there that claim to be the best, but how can you really know? We’ve done the research for you and we’ve compiled a list of the best resume writing services, like Resume Edge. The story … Read more

FindMyProfession Review

Looking for the job of your dream? If you want to find a job that will make you wake up happy every morning, you’ve come to the right place. FindMyProfession is a career services company that offers its clients individualized career coaching and resume writing services. We had a chance to test their services and … Read more

How to Put SQL on Resume – List Your Skills Like a Pro

When writing your own resume, it’s important to list your skills in a way that is both professional and eye-catching. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to do this, look no further than our guide on how to put SQL on a resume. Become a pro with us and list your SQL background today! … Read more

How to Put GitHub on Resume

Whenever you make a resume, you want to include all the places where you have made an impact. This means adding in your Twitter, your blog, and even your GitHub profile. Moreover, this resource will show you how to do it in a way that will make sure recruiters take notice. What Is GitHub? GitHub … Read more